Google and YouTube Blocking Searches for Red Pill Videos

By Karin McQuillan

A year or so ago, there were a spate of articles about the red pill videos on YouTube – millennials turning off to the bullying by feminists and race hustlers, thinking for themselves, becoming conservative, and posting a video of their personal journey from blue to red online. I googled ‘red pill’ and had a cheerful time following links. I learned about Candace Owens at that time, and a lot of other black and white millennials who had posted articulate, heartfelt, intimate, sometimes funny YouTubes explaining why they’d become conservative. 

For months afterward, when I was sick of all the bad news about millennials becoming little fascists, I would turn to the red pill videos and cheer myself up.  And then I found I could no longer find them.  When I went to YouTube and searched for red pill, all I got was the documentaryby that name (worth seeing) available for $3.99.

The most famous videos are still there.  But even they are hard to find.  Laci Green got 1.9 million hits on a video called ‘Taking the Red Pill?” which is a defense of free speech.  But when I clicked her name, not a single red pill video comes up, even though I have just done 24 searches in a row containing the phrase ‘red pill.”  Her video on her personal journey to being ‘red pilled’ received700,000 hits.  Why wouldn’t the search engine pull it up for me?

The week Candace Owens was headline news, thanks to Kanye West tweeting she should be listened to, I confidently did a google search for ‘YouTube Candace.’  Google did not fill in the rest of her name, although I have watched many of her videos.  Instead I was treating to page after page of links to a yoga instructor.  I have never searched for anything yoga in my life.  That seemed odd.

So then I did a google search for ‘YouTube Candace Owens’.  A goodinterview of her on the Rubin Report that got 900k hits came up, and a few links to her videos, but nothing recent, and nothing popular on her channel.  I was seeing links that had received as few as a hundred hits.  This from a YouTube celebrity with almost two hundred thousand subscribers, who received 1.2 million hits on her video on black lives matter, half a million hits on her video “I Don’t Care about Charlottesville, the KKK or White Supremacy,” 300K hits on “How to Escape the Democrat Plantation.”  I had to search and follow links from one page to the next before I found her hilarious viral video, “Mom, Dad, I’m a Conservative.”

Brandon Tatum is an appealing, smart, articulate black millennial.  He has 114k subscribers and has produced 196 videos.  His video on respecting the flag got almost a million hits.  “I will never vote Democrat AGAIN!!!” got 502k hits.  His video “Why Black Men choose White Women Over Black Women” got 364k hits.  A year ago, I found him because his videos popped up on the side bar of searches for Candace Owens.  Now I could only find any Brandon Tatum because I had mailed the link to myself a year ago.  

Brandon is a mainstream conservative.  Like Candice Owens, he now works for TurningpointUSA and is organizing a young, black leadership summit.  He is also a Tucson police officer and a Christian.  His story “This Changed My Entire Life: I realized I was lied to” asks, “Why am I Democrat?” and answers, because of lies.  “I thought all white people owned slaves… I have come out of the lie.  I want other young African men to get out of the lie -- you can go as far as you want to… just do the things you’re supposed to do.  Most people don’t care about the color of your skin… This younger generation is wacky; they’re victims all the time…” 

I had twenty-six YouTube tabs open with my search for Red Pill and nothing was popping up on the sidebar.  What happened to all the other fun, intimate videos by young black conservatives who only got a few hundred or a few thousand hits, who aren’t professional YouTubers?  I can’t find them anymore.  Are still there, hidden from viewers by Google’s new metrics?

The Silicon Valley chill on conservative speech is beginning to feel very dangerous to our republic.